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Cha Cha Cha Newbies
Things to know before you register
6-week Cha Cha Cha Newbies series: $120
Philippine Bayanihan Community Centre
1709 Blanshard St.
Victoria, BC
Google Maps
Classes are non-refundable
Dancers must register for the six-week series. There will be no drop-in option for these classes.
If you are sick, please stay home. If you are going to miss a class, send an email to [email protected] before the class. You can have one make-up class during the next series. It will be your responsibility to let me know in advance what class you plan to attend during the next series for your make-up class.
E-transfer: [email protected]
(If you don’t have a credit card, use the e-transfer email to register and send payment. Enter for the message “full name for cha cha cha”)
We have a maximum of 30 spots in the class. 15 leaders and 15 followers. If you are unable to register on the form, it means we have a full house.
Our website uses SSL-encryption to keep your pivate information secure and safe. We use Stripe for payment processing and you will receive electoronic receipts from us via Stripe.